Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Diet Cults Intro

Intro #4
The next and last piece of writing is my choice. We did this assignment in class around the beginning of the year. The assignment, which came from the English textbook, was called, “The Ultimate in Diet Cults.” The book gives a fictional story about a diet cult called the Breatharians led by Wiley Brooks. Brooks claims that he has not eaten in 18 years and drinks very little fluids. This is actually a real cult and just goes to show what some people will believe. Who knows maybe it does work; I guess I am not a believer. The assignment was to write two of the three options, write a radio ad, request a permit for a parade, or write a letter to the vice squad complaining about the diet. I chose to do the radio ad and the vice squad letter. I liked this assignment because of how bizarre the diet is and I had fun writing it.

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